Saturday, July 18, 2015

Tradiciones Y Leyendas #1 [feedly]

Tradiciones Y Leyendas #1
// Zontar of Venus



Google translated from Spanish Wikipedia:

Traditions and legends of Cologne was a comic book launched in 1963 by Editorial Gutenberg and continued by Latin American editions. With its tremendous success, he marked the revival of the horror comic in Mexico, giving rise to other publications of the same themes as The Devil Horse (1967), The Horseman of Death (1974) or The Carriage Divino.2 1

As Memín and Tears and Laughter was printed in brown ink and sometimes in ink negra.3

It was inspired by the streets of Mexico (1921) by Luis Gonzalez Obregon, 1 but its style and structure was the stories of oral tradition: 2

In each issue, a man of advanced age and physical features that reminded the actor Boris Karloff3 told a gruesome story that supposedly had taken place on a street in Mexico City during the colonial past.

This chronology lists magazines Traditions and Legends of the Colony, originally released in 1963 by Editorial Gutenberg.


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